Manga vol. 3

A comparison of the official translation of volume 3 of the Twisted Wonderland manga vs. the original manga (vs. the original game vs. EN server)

Original Game/Manga Chenya: At least…I’m on a different level than you all over there.

EN Manga Chenya: At least, I’m on a different level than your average mage in training.

EN Game Chenya: Let’s just say I’m not from the other side of the looking glass.

(While EN-Game Chenya’s line was wholly rewritten, EN-Manga Chenya may sound as though he is insinuating that he is a particuarly powerful magic user. In the original game/manga, Chenya is just teasing the group of Ace, Deuce, Grim and the Prefect.)

Original Game/Manga Chenya: Huhuhu~n♪ (This is the sound of Chenya humming, which can also be heard in the audio)

EN Manga Chenya: And the momeraths ♪ …OutgraaaaBe! ♪

EN Game Chenya: Ha ha ha ha…!

Original Game/Manga Trey: But…for me, I jus can’t scold him.

EN Manga Trey: …I don’t have the heart to scold him.

EN Game Trey: I don’t think the situation calls for it.

Original Game/Manga Trey: But, for me…I just can’t bring myself to scold him.

EN Manga Trey: I just can’t bring myself to criticize him…!

EN Game Trey: But for me…I can’t hold that against him, you know?

Original Game/Manga Crowley: The strength of magic is the strength of imagination.

EN Manga Trey: The strength of one’s magic is the strength of one’s imagination.

EN Game Trey: Visualization is key to spell casting.

(The word “imagination” will sometimes be removed from the English-language game, which is interesting as the characters generally use the English-language word “imagination,” which can be heard in the audio.)

(The word is repeated often.)

Original Game/Manga Ace: And how a kid turns out isn’t what decides a parent’s worth.

EN Manga Ace: And you can’t judge a parent’s value based on how their kid turned out, either.

EN Game Ace: And the accomplishments of a child aren’t determined by the worth of their parents.

Original Game/Manga Riddle: Why are playing cards the only thing I can produce!

EN Manga Riddle: Why can I only conjure cards?!

EN Game Riddle: (removed)

Original Game/Manga Riddle: The only acceptable response is, “Yes, Riddle-sama!”

EN Manga Riddle: The only acceptable response is, “Yes, Lord Riddle!”

EN Game Riddle: The only response I will accept from you is, “Yes, Housewarden Riddle.”

The English-language game has localized the “-sama” honorific as Mr., Master, O Great, O mighty and Count (when it does not drop it from dialogue).